April 9, 2015

Easter Fun with our family and friends...

Good Morning Ya'll,

Happy After Easter,

Our Kiddos are getting older and of course they start to loose interest in hiding eggs, and Easter Baskets...Totally not what Easter is about anyway...Jesus has risen, and through the ultimate sacrifice, WE are are born again...Thank you Jesus!!

It was refreshing to do our Easter Traditions with some of our new friends that we have made here in Minnesota.

When you are miles and miles away from all your family we miss doing all our Family Traditions...Lets face it no one feels like celebrating when you are away from those you usually celebrate with...But this year we decided to invite a new family in our lives to join us for Easter.
Our 15 year old son Ethan took great pleasure in hiding our 80 eggs around our house for his sister, Emily,  and our family friends Natalie and Toby to find.

We had fun dying eggs the night before,
 grilling out, and enjoying our wonderful friends...It was a chilly day but at least the sun was out and we had no snow....All good things in my book...Family....Fun....& Food....=A+

 Blowing Bubbles or rather letting the wind blow our bubbles all over the yard

 & Trying to catch or eat them if you can...not my idea of a snack or even tasty...but kids will be kids...
Releasing your inner wild to be the first to catch them even...I think this is her war face...

Ethan our oldest had a blast hiding the 80 real/filled plastic eggs all over the yard.  I thought he would be more inventive in hiding...but with Toby being our youngest egg hunter he didn't want to make it too hard...Although I thought with the way he hid them they missed lots right out in the open....It took several passes to collect them all.

 We had to count a few times to make sure we had them all. Would have had 83, but Ethan claimed 3 eggs since he wasn't hunting them...All in all I felt that was more than fair.

After dinner we were entertained with a show. Toby our director introduced Emily and Natalie.

Who came out and entertained us with the instrumental styling of Emily Jeffries on Viola. They did a good job.
Emily, Tara, Tracy & Ethan, Easter 2015

Thanks Jess, Garret, Natalie & Toby for making our Easter Special again, by filling it with good family fun.

Southern Belle Stampin

Tara Jeffries

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